Our Family Motto

We, the Peterson Family:

Promise to be honest in all we do and say,

Stand tall and righteous throughout each day.

Serve around the world and in our home,

Give thanks for blessings we’ve been shown.

We’ll work as a team with joy and love,

And honor our Heavenly Father above.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Filter Paper Eggs

Coffee Filters
Food coloring
Eye Droppers

Precut egg shapes out of coffee filters. Mix water with the basic colors. Let the children use eyedroppers to drip colors on the filter shape. The colors will run together and make beautiful eggs.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby Chicks


Small Cotton Ball (or Yellow pom pom)

Yellow Powdered tempera paint

Googly eyes

Orange paper beak

Egg carton (or clean and dry egg shell)



Take a small cotton ball and dip it in the powdered yellow paint. Then add eyes and beaks however you want. Take the chick and glue it into a piece of an egg carton.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 13


*Suggested Reading*

The Tale Of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
The Golden Egg by A.J. Wood
The Easter Egg Farm by Mary Jane Auch
The Best Thing About Easter by Christine Harder Tangvald
Bunny Trouble by Hans Wilhelm

Items needed this week:

• Toothpicks
• Liquid Or Paste Food Coloring
• Metal Spoons
• White Vinegar
• Cups
• White Hard-boiled Eggs
• Kitchen Knives
• Water
• Metal Tongs
• Empty Paper Towel Rolls
• Small Cotton Ball (or Yellow pom pom)
• Yellow Powdered tempera paint
• googly eyes
• Orange paper beak
• egg carton (or clean and dry egg shell)
• Glue
• Coffee Filters
• food coloring
• paint
• Eye Droppers

Snack Suggestion: Easter Chick Nests

Make a batch of drop sugar cookies. While they are cooling, dye coconut green, get a bag of jelly beans, white cake frosting, and a box of marshmallow peeps. Take the cake icing and spread it on the cool cookie. Sprinkle some of the tinted coconut. Place the marshmallow peep on top. Take some of the jelly beans and place them around the peep. This is a fun snack for children 2 and older.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pinecone Bird Feeder


  • Pine cone
  • Paper plate
  • Butter knife
  • Smooth peanut butter
  • Birdseed
  • Ribbon or yarn
  • Scissors


  1. Cut a long length of yarn or ribbon to hang the bird feeder.
  2. Tie the ribbon in a knot around the pine cone near the top (about 3 sections down).
  3. Tie a knot in the end of the ribbon.
  4. Use the knife to get a large clump of peanut butter on the paper plate.
  5. Use the knife to spread peanut butter inside the pine cone and around the edges.
  6. Sprinkle the birdseed over the pine cone.
  7. Roll the pine cone in the birdseed that is on the plate.
  8. Hang the bird feeder on the tree.
  9. Enjoy watching the birds eat their treat!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blossom Trees

Construction paper
Pink & white small squares of tissue paper
Glue and glue sticks

Draw a tree onto a piece of construction paper. Children squish tissue paper into balls and glue onto branches on paper.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sensory Painting With A Scent


Paper (prefer stiff)
Several flavors of Kool-Aid
Paint brushes



Mix each flavor in a separate container with about half a cup of
water. Allow the children to paint on the paper with the brushes after dipping them in the flavored water. The painting looks just like watercolor paints and it
smells so good. Actually the whole art area smells great! The children love
dipping their brushes in and smelling them before they paint, they try to guess
what flavor it is. They come up with some pretty interesting guesses.

After the painting has dried the children can scratch their painting with their
finger and smell the paint on their picture. Just like scratch and sniff stickers.

A Note of Caution: The diluted Kool-Aid stains clothing and countertops / tables. It is possible to get it out of the tabletops, but not the clothing and so it is strongly recommended that children wear smocks to protect their clothes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bug Jars

A great way to celebrate spring is to collect bugs. Your bugs will love their new home!

Supplies needed (substitutes may be used):
• Plastic jar
• Various colors of craft foam squares
• Googly craft eyes
• Glue
• Permanent marker

Decorate jars with foam and goggly eyes. Write the child’s name on and side and label it “My Bug Jar”. Then, go outside and find some bug!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 12

It's Spring!

*Suggested Reading*

Dandelion Adventures by L. Patricia Kite

It's Spring! by Linda Glaser

My Spring Ro

bin by Anne Rockwell, Harlow Rockwell (Illustrator)

Spring is Here

by Lois Lenski

The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree by Gail Gibb


Items needed this week:

Paper (prefer

Several flavo

rs of Kool-Aid
Paint brushes


Plastic jar

Various colors of craft foam squares

Googly craft eyes


Permanent marker

Pine cone

Paper plate

Butter knife

Smooth peanut butter


Ribbon or yarn


Snack Suggestion: Ants on a Log


Celery Stalks


Whipped Cream Cheese or Peanut Butter


Wash celery and cut into 3-4 inch pieces. Spread with whipped cream cheese or peanut butter and top with a line of raisins.