• lid (TOP) of an egg carton
• yellow paint or markers
• black construction paper or 2 lids from milk jugs (for wheels)
• black marker
• OPTIONAL: small cutouts of people from magazines, coloring books or hand drawn
• cut the lid off an egg carton
• Paint (or color with marker) the lid yellow. We only used one coat, but you could do two.
• While the paint is drying, cut 2 circles out of black construction paper
o (You can have the children trace the lid from a baby food jar or orange juice container -- preschool kids enjoy tracing). Use white crayon, chalk or pencil crayon for tracing.
o Allow the children to cut out their circles with safety scissors (or supervise them closely while they use regular scissors).
o The wheels don't have to be perfectly round -- let them have fun.
• OR
o use the lids from milk jugs as an alternative to construction paper wheels
• OPTIONAL: Also while the paint is drying, have the children cut small images of people from magazines or coloring books or let them draw their own.
o Once again, let the children roughly cut out the images with safety scissors.
• Once the paint is dry, glue on the wheels.
• OPTIONAL: Glue the images of people onto the bus. The carton we used had holes down the center, so we glued the people into the holes.
o If yours doesn't have holes, just glue the people onto the bus... you can draw "windows" around them with a black marker.
• Write SCHOOL along the top of the bus (or if your child is beginning to write on their own, let them write it out).
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