Our Family Motto

We, the Peterson Family:

Promise to be honest in all we do and say,

Stand tall and righteous throughout each day.

Serve around the world and in our home,

Give thanks for blessings we’ve been shown.

We’ll work as a team with joy and love,

And honor our Heavenly Father above.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 11

Week 11: St. Patrick’s Day

*Suggested Reading*
Billy Beg and His Bull: An Irish Tale
by Ellin Greene

Clever Tom and the Leprechaun: An Old Irish Story
by Linda Shute

Hooray, for St. Patrick's Day!
by Joan Holub

Jack and the Leprechaun
by Ivan Robertson, Katy Bratun

The Luckiest Leprechaun: A Tail-Wagging Tale of Friendship
by Justine Korman

Items needed this week:
Glittery bits and shiny baubles
Shoebox or small wooden crate
Stick, 12 to 18 inches long
Lucky Charms cereal
1 Box jello instant pistachio pudding
One baby food jar with lid for each child
Kitchen knife
Cool-temp glue gun and glue
1 cup warm water
1/2 cup green dish-washing liquid
1 teaspoon salt
Paper plate
Paper streamers or wide ribbon in rainbow colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple)
Piece of ribbon for hanging

Preparations to be made:

The tradition in our family is to eat corned beef and cabbage the night of St Patrick’s Day.
(Make sure you add the ingredients to the shopping list if you choose to make this meal) Another fun recipe I stumbled upon was rainbow jello which takes days to make because each jello layer must set before the next one can be added but I think that it would be a very festive St Patrick’s Day dessert!

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